Daikin Altherma 3 H HT heat pumps are a suitable heating source for all types of buildings
Investors often ask the question: are heat pumps a suitable heating source for their building?
Although heat pump manufacturers have developed a range of models, both for new buildings with low heat losses and for older buildings with higher heat losses, there is still a basic rule of thumb:
The lower the temperature you can heat the building at, the better the efficiency of the heat pump.
Want to know more?

Daikin Altherma 3 H HT heat pumps
They feature the latest HVAC technology developed in Europe for European climates.
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what is the meaning of the noise figures ?
The sound power is produced by the unit itself, regardless of distance and surroundings. Sound pressure is an indication of the sound perceived at a given distance. Sound pressure data are given for distances from 1 to 5 metres from the outdoor unit.